Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Depression or Laziness??

So I've been wondering, am I depressed or just lazy? Am I homesick or just lonely? I need someone to diagnose me and find some pills to cure me!! I go to bed every night with resolutions for the next day. I make plans to work out, eat healthy, have fun with the kids, clean the house, do some crafting.... basically everything that I know makes me feel happy and healthy. Then I wake up and the couch and remote call to me. They are like a drug. I sit all day watching random tv shows and movies, eating everything unhealthy in the house while dwelling on everything that I hate about me new life. I end up in a bad mood which makes everyone else unhappy, cuz we all know "if mama aint happy, no one is happy"!!
So what is my deal? why oh why can't I stick to my resolutions? I know that I will be happier if I just do even HALF of the things on my list! So WHY?? Is it depression or laziness?? Hopefully I'll figure it out soon before I end up 50 lbs heavier and stuck in the couch cushions!!
I guess I may as well do 1 thing on my list today... update my blog!!