Monday, August 25, 2008

Almost Done!!!

My handsome husband and Kenzie... She LOVES her daddy!!

They love to play around all day.... JT will do anything to make her laugh!


Yeah only 4 months prego... I'm huge- I know!!

Look at that gorgeous smile!

Why doesn't my butt look that cute in a bathing suit??

Mom isn't there something more entertaining than an elephant butt??

Well for those of you who have already seen my sister's blog sorry about the repeat of pictures but I gotta show her mad skills! She is becoming such an amazing photographer! And Kenzie is getting to be so beautiful I just love her smile!

I only have 25 hours of school left!! I worked a 60 hour week last week and I am sooo burnt out! I am glad to be almost done! As of Thursday afternoon I will offically be a licenced cosmetologist! Yesterday was our graduation ceremony at Beneroya Hall in Seattle. It was so nice and i even won an award for Guest Service! It felt good to be recognised for all my efforts!!

About two weeks ago I got some test results back from some blood work I had done. It's never a good thing when they ask you to come into the office for the results right? Well the test measured my risk factor for Down syndrome and I have a way higher chance than I should. So for my own peace of mind I got an Amniocentisis... I probably spelled that wrong but you know when they stick a needle into the amniotic sac to sample the fluid and test the chromosomes. FUN FUN!! It sucked! However sometime soon I should get the results back and know for sure if my baby is going to have difficulties in this life or not. They tried to find out if I'm having a boy or girl but the baby was being very difficult... it wanted to hide! The Dr. said that he didn't see any obvious boy parts though so we are probably having another girl. I'm pretty excited and we will know for sure through the amnio results!


Marisa and Rob said...

Hey I love the pictures!!! Also Congrates on graduating!!! I'm so excited for you!!! 60 hours, I would totally be burnt out too!!! You dont even look huge in your picture!! You look cute!!! I'm glad things are getting better for you guys and I know everyone is praying for you and the baby and that everything will be just fine! :) So just know that we are praying for all of you and we love and miss you all. We hope to see you sometime in the next year.

How is JT doing? Did he find another job? Bob was asking about him the other day and just wanted to see how he was doing. :) Well keep us updated on your tests and we will talk to you later. Love Ya!!!

Jenn said...

How long did they say it would take to get the results? Keep us posted! :)

Kandis Smith said...

congrats on being almost done girly!! That's so awesome and you've worked your butt off!! Can't wait to find out about the results of the test!!