Friday, September 5, 2008


So I've decided that I have to have faith with this whole moving thing. Yeah crap keeps happening and here it is friday afternoon and I still have no key but IT WILL WORK OUT! It has to. We have no other options!! So I packed up our room today and we are ready to go. She is supposed to call me in an hour and let us know what the plan is!! We are hoping and praying that this will be our last day here with my parents!! So here are some pics of the room that the three of us have been in for the past 15 months!! I hope you all feel sorry for us... ha ha jk!!

So this is the hallway with all of our crap piled up and ready to go... I am not in the mood for much organization!! As you can see!!

So Kenzie is getting sooo big! She is trying to copy everything we say and t alking all the time! This is her posing for the camera... I kept missing her perfect little smile!!


Marisa and Rob said...

Good Luck and I hope you guys get to move!!! :) Kenzi is getting so big and cute!!!

JR Hale said...

Oh my! Kenzi is so cute!
Let us know when you are are settled into your new place! I have faith with you.LOL.