Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What do I do??

So I guess I just need to vent! I have a friend named Amy who I know from school. She told me back in April that she was looking for renters for a small garage apartment on the side of her new house. I told her that we wanted it and we scheduled a day for move-in. So now its like 4 months later and we are still living with my parents. Things kept happening in Amy's life to prevent us from moving in. We got really upset when all of a sudden she just wouldn't return our calls. I found out a few weeks later that it was because her dad died. I felt really bad and everything was okay again. So when her dad passed she inherited another property with an even nicer apartment on it. She told us that she would love to have us as renters and it's been planned for us to move in this week. Things keep getting in the way of us going to see the place and get the key. I want to believe that this is all going to work out because honestly I don't see how we can afford to move any where else and if we stay here another week let alone another month I'm seriously going to blow up! My hormones can't take this living situation any longer! So here I am waiting to hear from Amy AGAIN to see if we can go see the place tonight and get the key. I'm praying and praying that it will work out because I just don't know what else to do. I'm at the end of my rope!!
Thanks for letting me vent!!